Research team components

University of Bergamo (UNIBG)

Dr. Fabiana Pirola (F) is Senior Assistant Professor, with the national habilitation to Associate Professorship, and Rector delegate to international research in the economic-technological area. 

Her main research interests are smart and data-driven Product Service System solutions, re-engineering, and optimization of processes (with a specific focus on modelling and simulation techniques), and digital technologies for smart manufacturing with a focus on sustainability. These topics are transferred to engineering bachelor, master and professional students through her courses. Currently, she is directly involved in the Lombardy Region SLIM project focusing on implementing the TF at UNIBG premises and on the Erasmus+ “BLISS” project focusing the definition on how blended learning can support defining new Learning Activities.

Dr. Magni Francesco (M) is Assistant professor at Department of Human and Social Sciences, University of Bergamo in General and Social Pedagogy. 

He is director of the teaching and learning center "CQIA" (Center for Quality Teaching and Learning) of the University of Bergamo. His research activities focus on Teacher Education; Comparative Education; Education Policies; Work-Based Learning; Higher Education. He is a member of the national board of the Italian Society of Pedagogy - SIPED [2021-2023] and of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE).

The Polytechnic University of Milan (POLIMI)

Dr. Monica Rossi (F), Senior Assistant Professor, with the national habilitation to Associate Professorship. 

She is a passionate researcher and teacher, in the big field of Industry 4.0 technologies, in particular in the domain of virtual design and manufacturing. Monica has a strong experience in international project and she is really interested on the impact who can make in the new generations.

Prof. Sergio Terzi (M), Full Professor of Industrial Technologies. PhD in Management Engineering from POLIMI and automatic production (in co-tutorship at University of Lorraine, France). 

M.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration at LIUC. Bachelor in Production and Logistics Management at LIUC. For ten years, he was Researcher and Assistant Professor at UNIBG. He is deeply involved in the topics of Industry 4.0 and he is a passionate trainer. He is currently exploring the limits and boundaries of Circular and Sustainable Manufacturing, with a list of international projects and publications. In POLIMI, he is in the management board of the Graduate School of Management, as well as he is deeply involved in the MADE Competence Center Industry 4.0, as Delegate.

University of Cattaneo (LIUCC)

Rossella Pozzi (F) is the person responsible for the RU. She is Senior Assistant Professor of Mechanical Industrial Plants at the Industrial Engineering School of Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC with the national habilitation to Associate Professorship. 

Her areas of expertise concern Operations Management, with particular focus on materials management in contexts characterized by production capacity constraints, lean production, and implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing companies. She has experience in TFs and she is responsible for i-FAB about experiential teaching on lean. In this context, she was recently recognized IEOM Teaching Excellence Award.

Tommaso Rossi (M) is Full Professor of ‘Smart Factory’ at the Industrial Engineering School of Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC, where he holds the courses of ‘Operations Management’ and ‘Data Science for Management’. 

His main research interests are related to network design and optimization, lean manufacturing, finite capacity materials management policies, industry 4.0 and modelling and simulation of production and logistics systems. On these topics, he has carried out projects for several companies and he is author of more than 40 papers on classified international journals. He is director of i-FAB.

Fernanda Strozzi (F) is Associate Professor at the Industrial Engineering School of Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC. She graduated in Mathematics at the University of Pavia and received her PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Twente in the Netherlands in 1997. 

She was work package leader in two European projects, one on the safety of chemical reactors (AWARD, FP52002-2005) and another on the theory of complex networks applied to manmade networks such as power grids and supply chains (MANMADE,FP6, 2007-2009). Her main research interests include the theory of nonlinear systems, supply chain, bullwhip effect and social network analysis. On these issues she is the author of about 100 publications and some patents in collaboration with national and foreign research centers.